Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Biking Across America 6/26 Day 3

I think of the things that scares me the most while biking, is not the fact that I'm riding by myself through the middle of nowhere, but when a huge truck comes up right next to me that I can feel the heat from the engine.

I biked from Richmond to Charlottesville today.
I felt like I was about to die at around the 4oth mile but I kept on going for another 40.
Riding through the dark is mad dangerous.
Got to the hotel at around 10 PM.

For those who were wondering, my mom is actually with me. She's in a car driving about 50 miles ahead or to the next checkpoint and I'd catch up with her and we'd continue.
This way, if I got injured, she could be there to help me.

Distance traveled: 80 miles
Time: 11:30 hours

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