Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Day Before

I'm in Maryland right now staying at a friends house, halfway to Virginia.
Tommorow my mom and I are going to finish the drive to Yorktown where I'll start the bike trip to San Francisco.
I feel sort of excited yet worried at the same time. Lots of accidents happen on the road and hearing the stories doesn't help my resolve.
Its sorta like that one time a cyclist told me that a guy he was riding with got run over by a truck.
But nevertheless, I'm going to start tommorow.

Now why am I doing this trip?
Don't you feel like your whole life, all you've done - everything you've done, has been for the sole purpose of getting into a good college?
I study for school, I stay awake for school, I get 5 hours of sleep for school.
Finally, I have the time to do somethign for myself, to challenge myself and this is what I decided to do: I decided to bike across America.

So, this is probably going to be a two month trip and I'll see you guys at school near the end of August.

Asian kid biking across America
Chris Xia

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