Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm Blonde Day 29

Actually, my arm hair is starting to turn blonde. It's ridiculous what 12 hours in the sun can do to you over the course of a month. The hair on top of my head is still straight black because I practically never take off my helmet; it's just not worth risking it.
(I look like I'm about to kill someone in this pic>>)

So the alarm woke me up at 8 today but I was so tired from yesterday's run that I wound up sleeping until 11, which was a terrible idea because that meant I'd have to ride through the worst of the heat.

I rode a pretty bad crosswind for the first 10 miles but then I turned north and I just took the tailwind straight to a place called Rush Center. Now, on the map, Rush Center was supposed to have everything from a gas station to a diner but they were all closed down and I was pretty much out of water. It was about break time anyway so I waited for my dad to bring in some supplies and then headed on my way.

About 20 miles north of where I was riding, there was this terrible storm and it started producing crosswinds at around 30 mph. I practically fell over a couple times and had to get off my bike during some strong gusts. I mean, you know the wind is strong when a bird tries flying into it and literally stalls for five seconds before getting shot backwards.
Got caught in a portion of the storm. I could hear the lightening right above me but I kept my head low and kept riding because there was no shelter in sight. After about 15 minutes, it stopped, but I was pretty drenched by the end.

Eventually ended up at a place called Ness City. This place honestly has the best ice cream imaginable. I mean, cold stone's is great and all when you want 5 dollar ice cream cones but this mom and pop store had these huge bowls for a buck 25 and it was amazing.

Distance traveled: 62 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Temp high: 110 degrees (All the locals told me I chose the worst summer by far. Yay...)

Larned, KS >> Ness City, KS

(Not even buildings in the middle of nowhere can escape graffiti)

2nd Century Day 28

Drew told me he was going to take off at night, and he did. Good man, I'll miss him.

Pulled a 106 mile bike run yesterday and I don't know what it was, but I was flying down the rode at some points with a 18 mph avg on flats.
I really didn't want to go another 100 miles since I just did the other day already but I was in a really awkward position on mileage. I could have stopped at a city having gone 48 miles that day, but it was way less than I intended to ride; however, the next stop would have to be 58 miles away because there was a stretch of "nothing" until Larned, KS.

So I decided to take the stretch at 5 P.M. (really bad idea) Forty miles in, the sun was completely gone and I was pretty much riding in pitch back darkness. There were no street lights and the only thing guiding my way was my little flashlight that runs on 3 triple A's. I had about 10 feet of visibility and I'm not going to lie, it's pretty creepy at night when you're in the middle of nowhere.
There were these times at night when a car would pass me at 65 mph and I swear I had my backlight on, but they would come within inches of me. I'd be like, "B!$%&, theres an empty #$%^& lane right next to you." But whatever, I didn't die.
Got to a nice hotel at around 10:30 P.M. and pretty much just conked out on bed.

Distance traveled: 106
Time outside: 13 hours
Temp high: I forget, it was pretty darn hot though.

Newton, KS >> Larned, KS

(Just some cool cloud)

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Century and Rain Pelts Day 27

First century today (100 miles) and the funny thing is that I don't feel all that bad. I mean, I know I'm going to wake up tomorrow feeling like a statue, but it was worth it. Plus, a 100 miles on flatlands aren't as bad as riding through mountain ranges.

Anyway, Drew and I were headed on the last 38 miles of a trip when it started to rain ridiculously hard. The rain drops couldn't even be called drops; they were like rain pelts the size of a bullet. They'd hit my helmet and it'd sound like I got shot.
The thunder was pretty rough too, nothing notoriously close, but enough where the you could here the clash of the thunder and feel the ground tremble.

Drew's headed off for another 100 miles tonight while I stay in a fire station in Newton. It's honestly ten times better than any Sheraton suite. They have pretty much every amenity possible to make it feel like home and the people here are so nice and friendly that if I could rate the customer service, it would have to be five stars if not more.
They provided us with cheeseburgers, fries, pulled buffalo meat and fruit. Hadn't had such a fulfilling meal in a long time.

By the way, I think I'm losing it, my grammar has been getting pretty off the past week or so. I think the fatigue is really starting to kick in as I'm writing this blog post with my eyes practically shut. (Like how they normally are)

Distance Traveled: 100 miles (wished I got more of these on my math tests)
Time outside: 13 hours
Dogs that took chase: 1
Temp high: 104
(Saw this at a cafe)

Gone with the Wind Day 26

Headed out with Drew today at around 8 in the morning.
The winds were kicking in badly for the first half of the morning but they eventually became a small tailwind since we were headed north for a while and the wind was coming from the south.
It felt good to be kicking out 16 mph for a good half an hour.

You know what I noticed about wind; it always seems to be out to get you. The wind, in a biker's case is only useful in one direction, coming from behind, give or take 30 degrees. Yeah, I really like it from behind. Otherwise, crosswinds blow you over and headwinds just slow you down. Plus, it's demoralizing when you feel like you should be biking at 15 mph and you're only hitting 9.

Anyway, Drew is a really interesting and hip guy. Time flies when you're talking with another biker and since the roads out here are practically empty, we ride side to side. Since I have a speaker on my bike, we plug our Ipods in every now and then and just share music. It's really nice being introduced to new artists and songs.
He came from Ohio and he's riding to Oregon, then down the Cali coast, and then back to his hometown in Ohio. That's like Crossing America twice!
He was planning on doing some night riding to try to get in more miles, but we ended up staying at a church in Toronto for the night.
We'll probably be splitting off tomorrow because he wants to try to fit in his first double century (200 miles) at night.

Distance traveled: 77 miles
Time outside: 12 hours
Dogs that took chase: 4
Temp high: 107

Walnut Grove KA, >> Toronto, KA (I know right, this should totally be in Canada)

Krossing Krazy Kansas Day 25

Yes, I know it starts with a "C" but it makes for a good alliteration.
So yea, crossed into Kansas at about noon.
The first thing I noticed was how bad the wind was blowing.
It was coming from the south at about 15 mph and it changed every so often so that it'd either blow in my face or come from the side. A couple times, it would actually blow me off the rode, so I'd have to put pressure on my right hand to keep from falling over. I think I'm starting to get the early onset of handlebar palsy.
There was only a good five mile stretch where it actually became a nice tailwind, where I was actually averaging 5 mph faster than normal.

At around 7, I stopped at a Lutheran church that takes in bikers to stay for the night.
There I met a guy named Drew Carson. He's 20 years old and he's also headed the same way as I am. So we planned a route for the next day and then he made a delicious sloppy joe mix which I ate about 3 burgers of. In the end, I hit the hay at around 10:30 and was pretty refreshed for the upcoming ride.

Distance Traveled: 65 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Dogs that took chase: 1
Temp high: 105

Golden City, MO >> Walnut Grove, Kansas

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hill Billie Day 24

The first 30 miles today were rough.
Just constant hills and long climbs.
One of the climbs was about 2 miles long and I was just waiting to see that good downhill that's supposed to follow a massive uphill, but no...It went straight for awhile and then back up again.

Land started to even out today toward the end, which is good. Means I'm about to hit the flatlands of Kansas. I'm hoping to make up for lost time going through this state so that just maybe, I can get home a day early to start summer reading and do college apps.

Distance traveled: 64 miles
Time outside: 9 hours
Temp high: 102
Dogs that took chase:1

Springfield, MO >> Golden City, MO

(Who wouldn't want to have this car...?)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Can't Call it Quits / Day 23

Pedaling 25 miles fully rested is no problem, but pedaling 25 miles at your physical limit really is the most challenging.

I remember telling myself that I wasn't going to make it to Springfield the whole first 2 hours. You know, I was ready just to call it quits for today and stay a campsite right in the middle of where I started and where I was supposed to go.
But then I thought, "I've always gotten to my set destination without quitting. Can't break that record now."

So I stopped at Marshfield, ate some lunch, took a nap and then grudgingly headed on my way.
In the end, I was proud of myself that I was able to complete these last 25 miles and make it to Springfield. Even though it took all my mental and physical strength, I'm glad I made it.

Distance Traveled: 50 miles
Time outside: 11 hours
Dogs that took chase: 1
Shoutout to Tatiana and Jackie at the Honk Kong Inn for being such amicable and enthusiastic people.

Hartville, MO >> Springfield, MO

(Undeniably my favorite sign)

Self-Propelled Rollercoaster / Day 22

You power yourself up a hill, then let gravity pull you down.
It's been like this for the past 3 days and if anything, it's not nearly as fun as Six Flags.
It rained for 2 hours today and I rode through all of it because there was practically no shelter or time. The rain made the rode extra slippery so I had to brake going downhill.
This meant that I couldn't use all the momentum to propel myself up someways.
But it's fine, I still made it through.
(This pic doesn't even begin to explain the Ozark hills >>)

At night, I met this wonderful woman named Shawnty and a guy named Mike with his family.
They were so kind and thoughtful that it made me realize again how good the world can be.
I know today, there were many cars that would honk at me because I was riding on the road, (there was no shoulder)
and I'd be like. "WTF.Why don't you come bike a bajillon miles in the rain while I sit in a nice red Mustang?!"
Then I met Shawnty and Mike and my perception about people changed for the better.
They spent nearly half an hour trying to find a place for my dad and I to stay.
In the end, we took their advice and headed to the county courthouse to stay for the night. AC!
And my perception of people will probably always be this up and down cycle, almost just like a rollercoaster.

By the way, this was written as a word doc yesterday. That's why the tense is different.

Distance Traveled: 77 miles
Time outside: 12 hours
Dogs that took chase: 12 (The dogs here have anger management issues...)
Temp high: 94 degrees

Salem, MO >> Hartville, MO

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Up and Down Day 21

Very routine ride today.
The Ozarks have very scenic routes but it's mostly just the redundant hills and trees.
Occasionally, you'll see that one beautiful lake where the water is as blue as the sky and you can see the fish swimming on the bottom.

One of the highlights of the day was when a black butterfly with center-blue wings flew next to me for a minute. It was just so nice having company.

Something I learned about the Ozarks today: A steep downhill is always followed by an equally steep uphill. I like flat-lands better.

Distance traveled: 76 miles
Time outside: 9 hours
Temp high: 94 degrees. (Heat index was 114.1 according to my odometer. Humidity was pretty bad) Its been so hot the past couple days that my odometer has been overheating. The screen would turn a fried brown and I'd have to put it into some ice (wrapped in plastic bag) for it to cool back down.

Farmington, MO >> Salem, MO

(Wish I had AC while riding...)
(Some street names are named after letters in MO)

Friday, July 22, 2011

I'm in Jail / Day 20

No seriously, I'm in Jail. It's completely great.
There's a TV, AC, washing machine, a computer, a bed.
I could just live here. (pic -->>)

It's called Al's place. It used to be a jailhouse that was converted into a suite for cyclists. It still has some of the jail bars on the windows, but other than that, it is beautiful in here.
I got up late today. I realize that even though biking up mountains and riding across America takes mental strength, getting up in the morning is even worse.
After being so tired the night before, you just want to stay in bed until the rest of eternity, or at least until House comes on at night; but nevertheless, you have to push yourself to crawl out of bed and cross the threshold into to-be 100 degree weather.

I try getting up at 6 to beat some of the heat, but it turns out that I slept through the alarm until 8. By then, it was already 90 degrees outside.

Crossed into Missouri today and after about 8 miles, I hit the first couple hills of the Ozarks.
(The Ozarks are a long and steep mountain range in South Missouri) Already, the climbing is taking a toll on my legs. I can only hope that it gets better tomorrow in 100 degree weather.

Did a short distance today because if I went any further, the next rest area would be a total of 120 miles, which I couldn't possibly fit in by nightfall.
So I went to jail instead. I didn't collect $200 on my way there.

Distance Traveled: 44 miles
Time outside: 6 hours
Heat index: 106 degrees

Chester, Il >> Farmington, MO

(Mississippi river - the one that Huckleberry Finn went down)

What is that Mysterious Ticking Noise / Fried Worms - Day 19

Woke up at around 8 today and headed off to a the Bike Surgeon to get my bike tuned up.
It was making some funny ticking noises that would really piss me off.
When I got there, the sound was gone even before they checked the bike, it was ridiculous - it's like going to the doctor to get them to diagnose something and when you get there, the pain is gone. Ivan and Nicole head off along the trail first, since it would take some time before I would get back.

Anyway, my dad and I headed off to Wal-Mart to get much needed and very essential supplies; such as cookies and vanilla wafers. Water came last on my list. I only go through about 18 bottles a day.

After all the shopping, it was about one P.M, so I left during the hottest part of the day.
I met a couple guys biking from Oregon to Virginia that were biking for the College of William and Mary. One of their bikers figured out the mysterious ticking noise was not a pipe bomb, but actually my plastic pedal cracking. If you guys are reading this, Thanks for all the advice and help.

An hour later, I passed a dried up lake and a bunch of fried worms. They were just all laying on the pavement burnt and being eaten up by ants. I know, bad mental image - Sorry.

Got to the hostel at about 4 and settled down for the night.
Thank you Eagles club at Chester for the place to stay.

Last day that I got to hang out with Nicole and Ivan. They're headed up to St.Louis and I'm going through the Ozark mountain range. Thank you for making the past week a memorable experience. I've learned so much from you guys and I hope that if you come to NJ sometime, you'll make a stop at my place where we can have bubble tea and Chinese food.
Have fun at St. Louis and Good Luck on the rest of the journey.

Distance traveled: 30 miles
Time outside: 3 hours
Heat index: 106 degrees

Murphysboro, Il >> Chester, Il

(Chester, where Popeye was first created)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hell's Kitchen Day 18

Flat lands - finally.
My average went up a whole one mile per hour, which is actually pretty good considering you ride for more than 7 hours a day.
Sometimes, you go slightly uphill (3% gradient) and you'd go for a mile but you wouldn't even recognize the fact that you were going up until you look back.

Mainly today though, the heat was kill.
Half the time, I wanted to fall down and die. I could see for miles around since the land is flat, you could see the heat waves rising from the ground a hundred feet in front of you in pretty much every direction you looked.

Also, the heat would bounce off the black top, rise up and hit me from the bottom so I pretty much got cooked all around.
Scenery was beautiful though. <<

99 degrees high and 110 heat index.

Distance traveled: 70 miles
Time outside: 12 hours

Shawneetown Il >> Murphysboro Il

Over the River and through the Woods Day 17

I seem to be getting up earlier and earlier to beat the heat.
There was a terrible headwind yesterday; at least 6 miles per hour and the heat index reached 105.
Midday, we all took a break at a library and I fell asleep on the couch.

At around 8, we finally crossed the river into Illinois.
It was honestly such a blissful feeling, knowing that I've made it this far and still haven't died yet.
I crossed that bridge yesterday with a certainty that I could make it all the way.

Thank you Ms. Dolores and the Shawneetown police dept. for providing us with a wonderful place to stay.

Distance traveled: 69 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Utica, Ky >> Shawneetown, Il

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bug Protein and a Flat Day 16

First flat tire today; not from a needle or sharp object but because the nozzle broke.Ivan tried patching it up twice but the hole was just in such an awkward position that it still leaked air.He gave me his extra tube and we used that until my dad was able to bring me my spare.

We did a lot of miles today and it took us up until 9 PM. While we were riding through the countryside, I ate about three bugs and ran into another 50 or so.
I swear, these bugs are pretty much resilient to bug spray.

Distance traveled: 69 miles
Time outside: 12 hours
Dogs that took chase: 1
# of mosquito bites currently on legs: 11

<< Passed a small dam at a state park

Beautiful like a Google Image Day 15

Rode with Ivan and Nicole today to a little grocery off the street.
While we were waiting to set-up, we watched the sunset off the horizon.
It was the perfect blend of turquoise, red, orange, and pretty much every color of the rainbow except green.
It's like going to Google Images and typing in the word "sunset." It was absolutely beautiful. You'd have to see it in person to witness the full wonder.

Arnold and Lucy were able to take us in for the night and give us a wonderful place to sleep and food. Thanks.

Distance traveled: 49 miles
Time outside 9 hours.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Screw These Titles / Day 14

My titles are getting redundant - the whole "Biking Across America, Date, Day#" is just really boring, so now I'm coming up something else.

I biked with Ivan and Nicole today. They are are these two really nice and funny people who have been friends since Middle School. They get along well with each other and I really feel at home with them.
So, apparently, Nicole is my mother and Ivan is the cool-guy. I have to give it to him, all his help with fixing my bike and his navigation skills make him like a role-model.
Nicole has amazing writing skills. You're actually probably better off reading hers and Ivan's blog over mine. She is extremely dependable and assisted me when spokes came loose.

Funny sign I found in Kentucky >>

Distance traveled: 75 miles
Time outside: 11 hours
Dogs that took chase: 2

Friday, July 15, 2011

Biking Across America 7/15 Break Day

Really just chilled today with Ivan and Nicole.
Got our bikes fixed up and then headed to watch Harry Potter Part 2.
It was depressing walking out of that movie theater, knowing that a whole part of me just sort of ended at that screening. Great movie though, really touching and geez, Emma Watson is like (fill in the blank)
Got some Chinese food at night and then we planned our route for tomorrow.

Legs still feel like they're packed with lead but I hope after a good night's sleep, I'll be ready for the long ride to come.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Biking Across America 7/14 Day 13

Woke up in tent completely exhausted today. Even though the hills were less tough and I had to go a shorter distance, my average speed went down considerably because, I don't know, I was just tired.

Finished at Berea today; glad that I brought together the energy to make it through. Going to take a day's break tomorrow so I can tune up my bike and maybe make some plans with Ivan and Nicole on the route. Plus, I hope I can catch a screening of the Harry Potter movie.

Distance traveled: 46 miles
Time outside: 6 hours
Dogs that took chase: 3

Biking Across America 7/13 Day 12

While climbing hills, I'm like "Who invented these damn hills?!"

There were four back to back tall as heck hills that made me want to just lie down and die.
I'm not going to lie, I was thinking of quitting while going up the first mountain.
The soreness, the pain, it just accumulates day after day and I didn't know if I could make it past that day, let alone 4 more weeks of it.
The hills don't look that bad in this picture, but if you were standing there, you would have wanted to just get in a car and drive across America.

I almost never have dark circles under my eyes, but now, I'm getting it all the time. (Picture taken at beginning of the day after we packed camp)

In the end, at 11 Pm at night, I made it to the campsite at Booneville KY.
I met three other great cyclists there who were also biking across America.
Shoutout to Ivan, Nicole and Don.
Read Ivan and Nicole's blog at

Distance traveled: 63 miles
Time took: 11 hours
Dogs that took chase: 4

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Biking Across America 7/12 Day 11

Finally made it to Kentucky today. This place has so many hills.
Crossed the state line around 12 and made my way along a highway.
The number of trucks here are ridiculous. There would be one passing me every couple of minutes and they would always pass inches from hitting me.

Besides the rough traffic, there are mad wild dogs here. Four separate times, dogs came chasing after me. The first time around, there were three dogs that jumped out of the woods that chased me with this snarled up face. I'd either have to scream at them with some scary face or spray water at them. They pretty much back off every time. Its pretty scary at first but I got used to it after the second time.

Distance traveled: 60 miles
Time: 10 hours

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Biking Across America 7/11 Day 10

Lets say hypothetical that Mt.Pleasant in New Jersey was a size double A.

The two mountains I had to climb yesterday would be Double D's. (3000 feet height)
It started thundering at around 9 PM and I still had to climb three smaller size C hills. (I loved going down on them)

I thought I passed into Kentucky because there was this sign that had "KY" on it but it turns out I was actually 2 miles from the state line.

Arrived at the hotel at 10:30, soaking wet and completly exhausted, and just fell asleep.

Distance traveled: 65 miles
Time outside: 11 hours

Shoutout to Andrew Baker for all the advice and route help.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Biking Across America 7/10 Day 9

Hot day today. Biked to route 80 VA and then stopped for the night.
Should be passing into Kentucky tomorrow if I get lucky.
It's supposed to rain the next 7 days over here, but I hope the meteorologists are actually wrong for once.

Some bank sign said it was 101 degrees but my odometer read 92. It honestly wasn't that bad.

I pass at least one church every 5 miles or so and this has got to be one of the more creative signs I have seen.

Distance traveled: 55 miles
Time outside: 8 hours