Sunday, July 31, 2011

2nd Century Day 28

Drew told me he was going to take off at night, and he did. Good man, I'll miss him.

Pulled a 106 mile bike run yesterday and I don't know what it was, but I was flying down the rode at some points with a 18 mph avg on flats.
I really didn't want to go another 100 miles since I just did the other day already but I was in a really awkward position on mileage. I could have stopped at a city having gone 48 miles that day, but it was way less than I intended to ride; however, the next stop would have to be 58 miles away because there was a stretch of "nothing" until Larned, KS.

So I decided to take the stretch at 5 P.M. (really bad idea) Forty miles in, the sun was completely gone and I was pretty much riding in pitch back darkness. There were no street lights and the only thing guiding my way was my little flashlight that runs on 3 triple A's. I had about 10 feet of visibility and I'm not going to lie, it's pretty creepy at night when you're in the middle of nowhere.
There were these times at night when a car would pass me at 65 mph and I swear I had my backlight on, but they would come within inches of me. I'd be like, "B!$%&, theres an empty #$%^& lane right next to you." But whatever, I didn't die.
Got to a nice hotel at around 10:30 P.M. and pretty much just conked out on bed.

Distance traveled: 106
Time outside: 13 hours
Temp high: I forget, it was pretty darn hot though.

Newton, KS >> Larned, KS

(Just some cool cloud)

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