Sunday, July 10, 2011

Biking Across America 7/9 Day 8

It was a pretty good day to ride. Got to Max Meadows at around 10:30 at night.
A bit hot and a lot of hills but I think I made good time.
The reason I was outside for 12 hours was because of all the stopping I had to do on the way.
Not only do I have to eat five meals a day, three of which are during the time outside, but I also take breaks pretty often. I seem to pick up a better average speed if I sit down every ten miles or so.
No, it's not Rutgers. It's actually Radford University. The signs look too similar though.

Distance traveled: 75 miles
Time outside: 12 hours

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job! It is hard for me to image to ride so many up hills. A lot mountain roads are ahead. It is a real challenger. Prepare food, water and gas.

    God bless you!

