Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Over the River and through the Woods Day 17

I seem to be getting up earlier and earlier to beat the heat.
There was a terrible headwind yesterday; at least 6 miles per hour and the heat index reached 105.
Midday, we all took a break at a library and I fell asleep on the couch.

At around 8, we finally crossed the river into Illinois.
It was honestly such a blissful feeling, knowing that I've made it this far and still haven't died yet.
I crossed that bridge yesterday with a certainty that I could make it all the way.

Thank you Ms. Dolores and the Shawneetown police dept. for providing us with a wonderful place to stay.

Distance traveled: 69 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Utica, Ky >> Shawneetown, Il

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