Saturday, July 16, 2011

Screw These Titles / Day 14

My titles are getting redundant - the whole "Biking Across America, Date, Day#" is just really boring, so now I'm coming up something else.

I biked with Ivan and Nicole today. They are are these two really nice and funny people who have been friends since Middle School. They get along well with each other and I really feel at home with them.
So, apparently, Nicole is my mother and Ivan is the cool-guy. I have to give it to him, all his help with fixing my bike and his navigation skills make him like a role-model.
Nicole has amazing writing skills. You're actually probably better off reading hers and Ivan's blog over mine. She is extremely dependable and assisted me when spokes came loose.

Funny sign I found in Kentucky >>

Distance traveled: 75 miles
Time outside: 11 hours
Dogs that took chase: 2

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