Friday, July 29, 2011

Gone with the Wind Day 26

Headed out with Drew today at around 8 in the morning.
The winds were kicking in badly for the first half of the morning but they eventually became a small tailwind since we were headed north for a while and the wind was coming from the south.
It felt good to be kicking out 16 mph for a good half an hour.

You know what I noticed about wind; it always seems to be out to get you. The wind, in a biker's case is only useful in one direction, coming from behind, give or take 30 degrees. Yeah, I really like it from behind. Otherwise, crosswinds blow you over and headwinds just slow you down. Plus, it's demoralizing when you feel like you should be biking at 15 mph and you're only hitting 9.

Anyway, Drew is a really interesting and hip guy. Time flies when you're talking with another biker and since the roads out here are practically empty, we ride side to side. Since I have a speaker on my bike, we plug our Ipods in every now and then and just share music. It's really nice being introduced to new artists and songs.
He came from Ohio and he's riding to Oregon, then down the Cali coast, and then back to his hometown in Ohio. That's like Crossing America twice!
He was planning on doing some night riding to try to get in more miles, but we ended up staying at a church in Toronto for the night.
We'll probably be splitting off tomorrow because he wants to try to fit in his first double century (200 miles) at night.

Distance traveled: 77 miles
Time outside: 12 hours
Dogs that took chase: 4
Temp high: 107

Walnut Grove KA, >> Toronto, KA (I know right, this should totally be in Canada)

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