(I look like I'm about to kill someone in this pic>>)
So the alarm woke me up at 8 today but I was so tired from yesterday's run that I wound up sleeping until 11, which was a terrible idea because that meant I'd have to ride through the worst of the heat.
I rode a pretty bad crosswind for the first 10 miles but then I turned north and I just took the tailwind straight to a place called Rush Center. Now, on the map, Rush Center was supposed to have everything from a gas station to a diner but they were all closed down and I was pretty much out of water. It was about break time anyway so I waited for my dad to bring in some supplies and then headed on my way.

Got caught in a portion of the storm. I could hear the lightening right above me but I kept my head low and kept riding because there was no shelter in sight. After about 15 minutes, it stopped, but I was pretty drenched by the end.
Eventually ended up at a place called Ness City. This place honestly has the best ice cream imaginable. I mean, cold stone's is great and all when you want 5 dollar ice cream cones but this mom and pop store had these huge bowls for a buck 25 and it was amazing.
Distance traveled: 62 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Temp high: 110 degrees (All the locals told me I chose the worst summer by far. Yay...)
Larned, KS >> Ness City, KS
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