Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm Blonde Day 29

Actually, my arm hair is starting to turn blonde. It's ridiculous what 12 hours in the sun can do to you over the course of a month. The hair on top of my head is still straight black because I practically never take off my helmet; it's just not worth risking it.
(I look like I'm about to kill someone in this pic>>)

So the alarm woke me up at 8 today but I was so tired from yesterday's run that I wound up sleeping until 11, which was a terrible idea because that meant I'd have to ride through the worst of the heat.

I rode a pretty bad crosswind for the first 10 miles but then I turned north and I just took the tailwind straight to a place called Rush Center. Now, on the map, Rush Center was supposed to have everything from a gas station to a diner but they were all closed down and I was pretty much out of water. It was about break time anyway so I waited for my dad to bring in some supplies and then headed on my way.

About 20 miles north of where I was riding, there was this terrible storm and it started producing crosswinds at around 30 mph. I practically fell over a couple times and had to get off my bike during some strong gusts. I mean, you know the wind is strong when a bird tries flying into it and literally stalls for five seconds before getting shot backwards.
Got caught in a portion of the storm. I could hear the lightening right above me but I kept my head low and kept riding because there was no shelter in sight. After about 15 minutes, it stopped, but I was pretty drenched by the end.

Eventually ended up at a place called Ness City. This place honestly has the best ice cream imaginable. I mean, cold stone's is great and all when you want 5 dollar ice cream cones but this mom and pop store had these huge bowls for a buck 25 and it was amazing.

Distance traveled: 62 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Temp high: 110 degrees (All the locals told me I chose the worst summer by far. Yay...)

Larned, KS >> Ness City, KS

(Not even buildings in the middle of nowhere can escape graffiti)

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