Thursday, July 14, 2011

Biking Across America 7/13 Day 12

While climbing hills, I'm like "Who invented these damn hills?!"

There were four back to back tall as heck hills that made me want to just lie down and die.
I'm not going to lie, I was thinking of quitting while going up the first mountain.
The soreness, the pain, it just accumulates day after day and I didn't know if I could make it past that day, let alone 4 more weeks of it.
The hills don't look that bad in this picture, but if you were standing there, you would have wanted to just get in a car and drive across America.

I almost never have dark circles under my eyes, but now, I'm getting it all the time. (Picture taken at beginning of the day after we packed camp)

In the end, at 11 Pm at night, I made it to the campsite at Booneville KY.
I met three other great cyclists there who were also biking across America.
Shoutout to Ivan, Nicole and Don.
Read Ivan and Nicole's blog at

Distance traveled: 63 miles
Time took: 11 hours
Dogs that took chase: 4

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