Anyway, Drew and I were headed on the last 38 miles of a trip when it started to rain ridiculously hard. The rain drops couldn't even be called drops; they were like rain pelts the size of a bullet. They'd hit my helmet and it'd sound like I got shot.
The thunder was pretty rough too, nothing notoriously close, but enough where the you could here the clash of the thunder and feel the ground tremble.
Drew's headed off for another 100 miles tonight while I stay in a fire station in Newton. It's honestly ten times better than any Sheraton suite. They have pretty much every amenity possible to make it feel like home and the people here are so nice and friendly that if I could rate the customer service, it would have to be five stars if not more.
They provided us with cheeseburgers, fries, pulled buffalo meat and fruit. Hadn't had such a fulfilling meal in a long time.
By the way, I think I'm losing it, my grammar has been getting pretty off the past week or so. I think the fatigue is really starting to kick in as I'm writing this blog post with my eyes practically shut. (Like how they normally are)
Distance Traveled: 100 miles (wished I got more of these on my math tests)
Time outside: 13 hours
Dogs that took chase: 1
Temp high: 104
(Saw this at a cafe)

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