Friday, July 29, 2011

Krossing Krazy Kansas Day 25

Yes, I know it starts with a "C" but it makes for a good alliteration.
So yea, crossed into Kansas at about noon.
The first thing I noticed was how bad the wind was blowing.
It was coming from the south at about 15 mph and it changed every so often so that it'd either blow in my face or come from the side. A couple times, it would actually blow me off the rode, so I'd have to put pressure on my right hand to keep from falling over. I think I'm starting to get the early onset of handlebar palsy.
There was only a good five mile stretch where it actually became a nice tailwind, where I was actually averaging 5 mph faster than normal.

At around 7, I stopped at a Lutheran church that takes in bikers to stay for the night.
There I met a guy named Drew Carson. He's 20 years old and he's also headed the same way as I am. So we planned a route for the next day and then he made a delicious sloppy joe mix which I ate about 3 burgers of. In the end, I hit the hay at around 10:30 and was pretty refreshed for the upcoming ride.

Distance Traveled: 65 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Dogs that took chase: 1
Temp high: 105

Golden City, MO >> Walnut Grove, Kansas

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