Day started out great and went downhill from there.
The Wong family was so generous and nice for taking us in. They fed us amazing chinese food and even sent us away with gifts. Thanks. XD

Anyway, left the Wong's restaurant at around 12 and started my 10 mile climb up to 11,312 feet - tallest I'll ever be on this ride. I hated pretty much every minute of it. Over a course of 5 hours, I rode and biked up this ridiculously steep mountain into 20 mph headwinds and freezing cold temperatures. I was wearing sweat pants over my biking shorts and 4 layers on top. (Under armor, jersey, sports jacket, XL hoody) It was cold.

After a break, my dad passed me on his car and told me that I still had 28 miles until town and that it was already 7:30. This was really bad because when the sun sets in Colorado, the temperature can go down to the high 30's, even in the summer. So for the next 28 miles, I pedaled like a madman going at an average of 15 mph through headwinds

It's really weird at points because I might be riding through 40 degree temps and then all of a sudden, I'd break into this bubble of sub-freezing temperatures and then in a split second, I'd be out of it again.
Now the sun was down and I had 8 miles to go. Raced through it and got to this motel in Gunnison, CO. I was so tired that I practically fell asleep while standing in the shower.
Distance traveled: 56 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Maysville, CO >> Gunnison, CO
(You know it's steep when there's a runaway truck ramp)

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