Who doesn't love a cheeseburger, every other day....?

Sometimes I'd get lucky and hit up a restaurant or my dad would make something, but sometimes, it's just easier to take out.
That guy who did that super size me documentary must have had it hard, because I'm really starting to dislike the taste of anything with the word "burger" in it. Hey, but at least I'm riding off most of the calories.
I've been waking up really late these past couple days. So I leave the motel at 11 and I head west into the perfect headwind. The first couple miles were a pain but I sort of got into the rhythm of pedaling hard but going slowly. Plus, there was a beautiful lake I was riding next to for a good while and that took my mind off things.

I passed a bunch of touring cyclists who were doing a run of Colorado (about 180 of them). They were going in the other direction and needless to say, I was sort of jealous. I'd like to have a nice 15 mph tailwind sometime.
Anyway, I had three mini mountains to climb, nothing like Monarch Pass (11,312 ft) but still a long climb nevertheless. The great thing about the last climb, was that after I got to the top, I had it pretty much straight downhill until I hit town.
Distance traveled: 68 miles
Time outside: 11 hours
Gunnison, CO >> Montrose, CO
(Bay of Pigs, now the Bay of Chickens. I'm waiting for the Bay of Cows to come next.)
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