Saturday, August 20, 2011

Road Work Day 45

Left the campsite and the first thing I ran into was a delay. The state was extending the shoulder on some of their roads and I had to wait 15 minutes before crossing. Now 15 min might not seem like a lot, but when headwinds start kicking in at around noon, you really wish you could have biked an extra mile or two without winds.

About 20 miles later (averaging at a beastly 18 mph for this stretch), it was 11:45 and I saw another road work sign. This one was the most frustrating because I saw it about a mile away and I tried to make the cut, but as soon as I got there, the flagman turned the sign to "Stop" and I was like "GAH!" But yea, I practically waited half an hour, watching the frustrating headwinds roll in from the west.

After I passed the roadblock, I saw this pretty cool mini tornado. (no, I did not ride through it) Actually passed two of them on the way
to my destination today.

I had two mountain passes today. The first one was a short climb but the second one took forever. It was basically one long climb with a small dip in the middle, followed by another 2 mile climb. However, after I got to the top, it was straight downhill until Austin.

Camped out for the night because the Baptist church provided a free spot to stay. I actually didn't have cheeseburgers tonight; there were no McDonalds. I had really bland tasting codfish and french fries bought from the local diner though.

Distance traveled: 71 miles
Time outside: 9 hours

Eureka, NV >> Austin, NV

(Had Watermelon in the middle of the desert)

1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    What you have done is amazing. I don't know how to put it in words. I read every blog you wrote. I am very proud of you. I believe that you can achieve anything in life if you set your heart on it! Keep going!

    (I am a friend of your mom)
