Friday, August 5, 2011

Elevation Sickness in the Rockies Day 33

Drew and I had to split off today. He was taking the transamerican trail up to Oregon and I'm taking the western express to California. We hope to meet up at San Francisco since he'll be riding down there. Well, guess I'm riding alone again.

First 20 miles out of Pueblo were pretty easy - rolling hills. But as soon as I started to climb the Rocky Mountains, I began to get elevation sickness. At around 6000 feet, it became extremely hard to breathe, I got a pounding headache and I really just wanted to sleep. Seeing as there is no shoulder or shelter going up to 9000 feet today, I just kept biking/hiking (some of the slopes were too steep to even bother.)

After about 2 hours of wanting to go back down the mountain so that I could breathe, I got acclimated to the elevation. Sadly, the highest I have to climb is still up to 11,000+ and I don't know how well I can adapt to that.

I love the look some people give me when they pass me on a really steep slope. I'm steadily riding my bike and they give me this look like "What the H#$% is he doing, climbing this ridiculous slope?" I wonder the same all the time.

On a side note, the Rocky Mountains are just plain beautiful. Words can't describe them, its one of those things you have to see for yourself. It's sort of like an inside joke, you have to have been there to get it. The scenary just keeps changing and every time, it just leaves you stunned. I know that sometimes, I'd actually get off my bike (because I was tired too) just to look at the view.

Distance traveled: 56 miles
Time outside: 10 hours
Temp low: 54 degrees (its so cold)

Pueblo, CO >> Westcliffe, CO

Shoutout to all the cyclists I met on the road today and thanks to John for the elevation sickness advice.

(Eating at a diner)

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