Saturday, August 13, 2011

Desert Day 37

The first 30 miles started out well. I made good time and my average was pretty good.
Then these headwinds kicked on and basically I was just dying at about every mile. Not to mention that winds really wick away all your sweat and moisture so that you wind up drinking more water than normal.

On average, I would drink about to one water bottle per every 5 miles, (Basically, today I would have drank about 16 bottles of water) but with wind, I would come down to about 4.5 miles per bottle. Then since I'm in the desert, it drops down to 4 mpb. (miles per bottle - there, I've created a new unit)

So I ran out of water 20 miles in and my dad was still back in Montrose taking care of some business. I gave him a call and asked him when he would get there and he told me it would be at least another hour. I wasn't just going to sit there and wait so I actually started waving at passing cars to ask them for water. I know, it sounds desperate, but you get hella thirsty in the desert. I flagged down a nice man who gave me 2 bottles of water.

In the end, I made it - slowly. I camped at the Colorado National Monument and had cheeseburgers :( for dinner.

Total distance: 71 miles
Time outside: 10 hours

Montrose, CO >> Fruita, CO

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