Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kneedle Knee Day 43

Got up at 6 to start biking today. I learned my lesson about wind. It always starts to get bad at around noon and then gets harder until 6:30 at night.
It was really cold in the morning and I got off to a slow start but when I got to the foot on the first mountain pass, the Sacramento pass. I breezed up that thing like I do through gym tests. Then came a valley and by this time, I started to get sharp knee pains. Even though the knee pain has been ongoing, it has been getting progressively worse, especially since I tried pedaling so hard yesterday through headwinds.

So next came Connor's pass. It's the highest I'll have to climb in Nevada and halfway up the top, I seriously just wanted to collapse because both my knees started to feel like I was getting acupuncture but the Asian guys were sticking the needles in wrong spots. Or more like, the needles were like burning pencils jabbed into my joints. I hiked some ways to the top and biked some way but in the end, still made it.

After Connor's pass, it took about an hour to make it to Ely. Stopped at Mcdonalds to get a chicken sandwich and then head on over to a campsite where we pitched tent. Met two other bikers today headed eastbound. We traded some tips and they headed out early the next day.
I decided to take a break day instead since my knees were bothering me so much.

Distance traveled: 64 miles
Time outside: 9 hours

State line, NV >> Ely, NV

(This was what my dashboard looks like. The left side can be equipped with a snap-on flashlight and there actually used to be a gps attachment too, but I took that off.)

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