Thursday, August 4, 2011

Colorful Colorado Day 31

If you're wondering why the title is Colorful Colorado, its because that was the first thing I read when entering CO. It was a great feeling, knowing that I was officially more than half way there.

The first part of Colorado is mainly flat, you can legit see for miles on end. Sometimes you'll see a small grain silo or building 10 miles ahead and you'd tell yourself..."yep, I'm going to be there in an hour." Sometimes its the most frustrating thing but at the same time, it gives me a goal.

My knee is really starting to bother me on this trip. It's been an ongoing problem since Missouri but I always just seemed to pedal through. I realize that if I continue going without resting, I might just have to stop because of knee problems. But hey, I didn't come this far to let it get the best of me. I just need to power through.

Great news though, I met Drew on the road again. He took a break day the day before and I passed him on my way to Eads, CO. Now I have a riding partner again.
We stayed at a courthouse for the night because the winds and rain outside from the thunderstorm were atrocious.

Distance traveled: 105 miles
Time outside: 12 hours

Scott City, KS >> Eads, CO

(This is probably what they were talking about in fast food nation - cattle farms that smell terrible)

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