Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Ran Over What? Day 47

As soon as I left Middlegate, I accidentally ran over a crunchy dead rabbit. I felt terrible in the most terrible of ways. Then later, I ran over a backscratcher and some solidified horse dung. don't think my wheels were that clean after the day was over.Crossed two mountain passes today to get to the city of Fallon. Of course, the audio books helped make them easier, but they were still tiring on my legs. On the way down from a pass, I saw this cool giant sand dune pretty much the height of surrounding mountains.

I stayed in Fallon for a while to wait for prevailing winds to pass. While there, I ate at a Chinese restaurant for lunch and actually took an hour nap there. (The owner let me sleep at the back of the restaurant)

Anyway, left Fallon at around 5 to head over to
Silver Springs. I was lucky, the wind died down a bit and I was able to ride a bit faster than usual.

If you wonder why I write about headwinds so much, it's because they are the most frustrating thing to a biker. I would rather climb more mountains than ride into a headwind on flats. Reason why? Because if you ride into a headwind, it's a complete waste of energy. You lose so much of your power and speed to the wind pushing against you, whereas when you climb a mountain, you know that every ounce of your energy is going toward your climb and you'll soon be rewarded with a nice downhill (hopefully).

So at Silver Springs, we were looking for a place to stay and a wonderful woman named Rachel took us in for the night. She and her husband Anthony made us a great dinner. We dined among the family's 25 cats and 10 dogs. - it was interesting. They also had three teenagers staying with them. It was great to finally have kids my age to converse with.

Distance Traveled: 76 miles
Time outside: 10 hours

Middlegate, NV >> Silver Springs, NV

(A beautiful lake I passed)

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