Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Didn't Have Cheeseburgers Today Day 46

First three miles were downhill, yet somehow, I was tired. There was a small 4 mile valley in between where I basically slowpoked my way over to the next mountain pass. Guess I didn't get enough sleep.
Anyway, it was either the Granola bar or the energy drink that I had, but all of a sudden, I sped up the mountain at about 9 mph and made it up there in no time. There was a small pass a bit afterwards, but that posed no problem.

The headwinds rolled in when I hit the bottom of the mountain pass. (I know, I always talk about these winds, but they always come at me) They got to be so bad that I just couldn't continue. Moral in myself was at an all time low. Luckily, it was about 2 and I saw a small little station called Cold Springs. They had amazing pizza and wifi! I basically stayed there for about six hours hoping that the wind would go down but to no avail.

(Notice how wind is blowing directly toward the direction I'm coming from)
Six hours later, I left again into the wind but I was so pumped for some reason. For the next 20 miles, I pedaled at a rate of 16 mph. I was really hoping to make it to the campsite in about an hour because it was already starting to get dark.

Got to Middlegate station at around 9 and I had their spare ribs for dinner. It was probably the best I had since...Cheeseburgers.

Distance Traveled: 66 miles
Time outside: 12 hours

Austin, NV >> Middlegate, NV


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