So I learned that the mountains out in Nevada alternate between short mountains and tall mountains; therefore, I know that if I'm climbing an easy one, the next one is going to be hard. They still suck nevertheless.
I have found a way to pass the time when climbing though - audiobooks. Instead of focusing on how hard the climb is and how tired my legs are, I think about what the book is saying and just concentrate on directing my bike uphill. The pain just seems to disappear. Music doesn't help as well since I know all the songs pretty much by heart now and when you're listening to a novel or something of the sort, you're waiting on the next word.

Almost got pulled in by a truck today. Usually trucks pull one oil tanker behind them but this one apparently had two. The first one passed me and the wind vortex pulled me in a bit. I started leaning in toward the truck but I thought it was fine because it's usually just pulling one. But then the second one followed and I almost fell over onto the truck. Thank God there was actually headwind that was pushing a bit from the west that actually helped me get steady. I know right, they helped me for once.
Got to town at around 7 P.M and took a shower at some place before heading downhill to the city park for camping. I got a pretty bad headache that night and just rushed to get onto bed.
Distance traveled: 79 miles
Time outside: 11 hours
Ely, NV >> Eureka, NV
(Sunset at the last mountain pass)
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